Frak That! Ep. 75: ‘Cocktober Surprise’

Joe Wilcox is rather stunned by the number of hashtag/meme-worthy phrases that Randall Kennedy uses to describe Hillary Clinton’s renewed email scandal: Cocktober Surprise, DickiLeaks, SchlongerTogether, and StrokingGun, among others. Randall is giddy that the FBI’s publicly-disclosed, renewed investigation is so potentially good for his man Trump.

Prepared for a long diatribe, Joe purposely starts Episode 75 by discussing other things: “I’m holding back my cohost Randall Kennedy, who is like a rabid dog waiting to rip into political topics today…We’re going to hold him back, so he gets angrier, more ferocious, so that when the attack comes later in the podcast, it will be devastating”. The political discussion begins at 15:00.  Frak That! Ep. 75: ‘Cocktober Surprise’